Saturday, January 5, 2013

Starting 2013 Right! Let's Do This.

So on Jan 2nd 2013 started my health turn around from going from no excercise, eating and drinking whatever I want, which was mostly yummy junk food for least over 10 months. As a result I gained over 25 pounds and can't even fit into many of my clothes now! It has become difficult doing simple stuff like walking upp stairs, putting on panty hoes, and in general just walking at times because the weight gain has put a big strain on my back. It is time to turn this unhealthy train around!Tthe first day of my journey Jan 2, 2013 was filled with lots of fun but also was very eye opening. My boyfriend and I walked up Baldwins and I had to stop several times on my way up for a breathe , my back was killing me, and I couldn't even make it up to the top.  I was really sad this day because I realized how far I have left myself go and upset at how difficult it is making my life now. Put at the same time I kept thinking don't worry Haley you have done this before and you know you can do this again. So no more putting it off it is time to get healthy!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Wow so I did a lot of writing in 2010. Posted 1 blog! hahhaha ok, so after I read my one and only blog of 2010 it sounds like my goals and focus is very similar to how I hoping my 2011 will go. My plans for 2010 was all about stepping out of my comfort zone, making big decisions and devoting to personal growth, which is exactly what I was planning on this year! hmmm.. well this just might be my focus this year and maybe more years to come..fuck it. its my own damn resolutoins and if I want to repeat it like a broken record so be it!

I did accomplish some goals of 2010:
I graduate with my Masters with a 3.9!
I lost 30 lbs and kept it off!
I traveled to Napa, SF, Tahoe, Reno, with my mom and grandma and had amazing trip.
Got Kobe back!!
Stood up to a a bully landlord and investor company..found out my rights and used them and won!
Stopped smoking weed on a regular basis.
Tried Rock Climbing.

But now I am ready for a new year!
My goals this year are:
Deepen my faith in God
Make more positive, amazing, christian friends
Make at least 50k
Get a new job that I LOVE!
Start and complete Life Coaching program
Start bike riding
Start a outdoor adventure group
Learn to play guitar
Learn photography
Date lots of Hot Sweet Kind Men
Learn to not be so negative about myself
work on expressing my feelings more with loved ones
Laugh more
Pay off credit cards
Lose 60 pounds
Improve my cooking skills
Take more dance lessons
Have more patience with my mom and garrett
Read more books

Monday, February 1, 2010

Strawberry Fields Forever

I've decided to start this blog for a few reasons. One I was inspired by a good friend many of you know Sally. Two this year I have made up my mind that things I didn't do last year or ever in my life I am committed to doing this year and it helps me to write it down to make it that much more concrete in my mind. Three I have been learning some amazing things in my School Counseling program and in other areas of life and would love to share some of that with you. And four the main reason I started this blog is because I am at a point in my life that I am stepping out of my comfort zone probably more than I ever have and I have some big decisions to make and writing it down and sharing it with others helps me work through this process and keep me committed to staying on task.

And you might wonder why the title Strawberry Fields Forever?. Well not only does this title represent two things I love The Beatles and Strawberries but basically this song represents for me happiness and staying committed to self growth i n order to be satisfied with life and to keep positive. Thus, Strawberry Fields Forever is what I call my committment to self growth, staying positive and being happy. It's probably not the same meaning John Lennon was thinking when he wrote Strawberry Fields Forever because I believe the actual meaning of the song has a darker theme but that's the beauty of music right? A song can mean a million different things to a million different people. We make it our own.